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Parent Teacher Organization

The CKS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) serves as a forum for parents and faculty to engage in volunteer, fundraising and social activities all with the shared intent of helping the school thrive as a consistent place for our children to learn, grow and be nurtured. As a parent/guardian of a CKS student, you are automatically a member of the CKS PTO. We hope you will find this page an evergreen resource to know how you can engage with the PTO, whom to contact about all things PTO-related, and whereto find information about ongoing events PTO is leading for our school!

CKS community is an engaged community, and the PTO is a consistent, fun and meaningful way to get involved! Whether you are new to CKS or know your way around…we want you to join us in our conversations and efforts!

The CKS PTO is led by an Advisory Committee of five parent members – Chair, Past Chair, Incoming Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Information about these positions can be found in the CKS PTO Rules and Recommendations, which guide the Committee in its service to the CKS community. The current Rules and Recommendations can be found HERE.


PTO Chair

Leslee Bertram

Why did your family choose CKS?
When we came for our tour of CKS, it just felt like “home”. We loved the warm welcome we received from everyone and how our girls get to learn about Jesus’ love for everyone on a daily basis.

Why are you involved with CKS PTO?
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”—Gandhi.

Contact: LesleeBertram@gmail.com

Past Chair

Crista Hollingsworth

Why did your family choose CKS?
We chose CKS not only for its Catholic character but for its emphasis on service, perseverance, and compassion. What an incredible school!

Why are you involved with CKS PTO?
The PTO is a wonderful opportunity to support the teachers, staff, students,and administration.  These individuals have given our family so much; it just makes sense to give back!

Contact: cristahollingsworth@gmail.com

Incoming Chair (2025)

Allison Buckley

Why did your family choose CKS?
We came to tour CKS and immediately felt like our kids would have an great experience here. Everyone we met was so welcoming and seemed so dedicated to ensuring that each child has a great educational experience, academically, spiritually and socially.

Why are you involved with CKS PTO?
The school already offers so many unique experiences for our kids, and I wanted a way to get involved in helping to make sure that continues!

Contact: AllisonGrogan@gmail.com

PTO Treasurer

Brittany Manning

Why did your family choose CKS?

As a graduate of CKS myself, I know firsthand the wonderful things about Christ the King School. I am so thankful to be able to share this amazing school where I learned so much in my education and faith with my children. 

Why are you involved with CKS PTO?

Being part of the PTO was a great opportunity to learn more about all the different aspects of the school and to meet other families. I think it is so important to share our time and talents with others while also supporting the school!

Contact: brittanybmanning@gmail.com


Jessica Lawrence

Why did your family choose CKS?
When the world shut down in 2020, like most people our worlds were sent into disarray. We were fortunate that our youngest was settled into kindergarten in the pre-school my children had grown up in. However, my oldest was (Riley, now in 4th grade) was left to do her school work via online. We had been on the waitlist for CKS since that Spring and when a spot opened for Riley, we were so thankful! The community, the teachers, the emphasis on faith, the outcomes of the school, and so much more are the reasons we chose CKS and we could not be more pleased! The school embodies all the values we hold so dear as a family.

Why are you involved with CKS PTO?
Being “new,” I was looking for ways to be involved and connect with other families. This was the perfect opportunity to not only do that, but also give back to the school community.

Contact: jnnorf0@uky.edu



For the 2023 school year, the PTO’s work is aimed at three areas:

  1. Fundraising efforts to support the CKS annual budget
  2. Volunteer activities to augment classroom and school activities
  3. Social activities to further enhance the CKS community.

To get involved, please email Crista Hollingsworth at cristahollingsworth@gmail.com



Our students often forget or misplace everyday items, as we all do! This program helps to reunite the student with those items!


Fall Fundraiser where students sell Charleston Wrap Catalog goods.


Family Friendly Halloween Event; trick or treat out of parents’ car trunks from our own CKS parking lot!


Help host and provide refreshments for events held during the school year.


CKS Families honor and give thanks to faculty/staff for with a generous Christmas Gift.


Annual event where we transform Hehman Hall for one amazing night for CTK/CKS Dad’s and their special ladies.


Moms and sons enjoy a great event filled with fun games and a little competitive camaraderie.


Keep the faculty lounge stocked with goodies! A way for CKS parents to be expressing our appreciation for CKS staff & faculty!


Each teacher requests 2 has two homeroom parents to assist with coordinating events throughout the school year.


Used uniform closet allows families to purchase donated uniforms at discounted rate throughout the year.

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